The warehouse of ACO Eurobar holds a permanent stock of 5000-6000 tons of as-cast rounds and squares in the following materials:
- EN-GJL-250C
- EN-GJS-500-7C and
- EN-GJS-600-3C
Materials such as
- EN-GJS-400-18C-LT and
- EN-GJS-700-2C
can be made available upon request.
By annealing, the above stock items can be converted into the following:
- EN-GJL-250C into EN-GJL-150C,
- EN-GJS-500-7C into EN-GJS-400-15C and
- EN-GJS-500-7C into EN-GJS-400-18C-RT
Concast bars are theoretically endless and are therefore cut to appropriate lengths. Bars kept in stock are as standard 2 and 3 metres long. Upon request, however, additional lengths, dimensions, grades and profiles can be made available. Just ask us! The quantities that are available at any given time are easily ascertained from the stock list.